Lead a team to conduct in-depth corporate research, build corporate trust and seek common development

On May 8, the government leadership team led teams to various enterprises to investigate the epidemic protection and control and resumption of work and products, understand the needs and difficulties of enterprises, and help enterprises solve practical problems in a timely manner. He noted that the Party committee and the government should take the lead in providing good services, and enterprises should build trust and strive for development. Liu Shaolong, Liu Jian and other district leaders accompanied him.

On the same day, the government leadership team came to Jiati Machinery for the first time and entered the production workshop to understand the company's production content and production process. The company is a high-tech enterprise and a well-known brand in the machine tool industry. It is committed to producing high-speed CNC engraving and milling machines, glossy machines, graphite machines and other equipment, which is widely used in electronic communications, precision medicine, automotive, rail and other fields.


"How is the sales volume this year?" "What difficulties have we faced so far?" The management team said during a discussion with company executives that during the epidemic, due to the strong industrial base of our country and full categories, we were able to produce many masks, fans and other products in a timely manner. Class medical products have laid a solid foundation for the national epidemiological prevention and control to achieve step-by-step results, fully reflecting the role of the "ballast stone" and "stabilizer" of the manufacturing industry in the implementation of the "six stability" and "six guarantees". Companies need to build their confidence, face challenges and turn crises into opportunities.

The group's management noted that Jiatie is a local enterprise. After more than 20 years of development, their business is booming, which is really rare. We will continue to increase support, fully supporting the business to be bigger and stronger, and injecting new momentum into corporate development.

The delegation visited the company's honor wall to learn about the situation of the company's import and export trade during the epidemic protection and control period.


The government also said that stabilizing foreign trade is an important task to perform well in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" and to promote economic recovery. Companies should strengthen trust, optimize development and actively cultivate new formats of foreign trade. The steering group noted that companies should continue to innovate and use Internet information to find common development online and offline. They should strengthen the interaction of information, look for new achievements and find ways to develop new markets, new channels and new models. Departments at all levels should continue to systematically classify policies, strengthen advertising and policy interpretation to encourage exports, encourage enterprises to actively apply, and continue to stimulate enterprises' enthusiasm to resume work and production.

During the investigation, the management team also visited the Pajatu Liuli project site in Jiangmen City to learn more about real estate construction projects, market operations, sales, etc. D.


He said that in the face of the impact of the epidemic, real estate companies should build their confidence, overcome difficulties and continue to work hard. The enterprise will develop

Created on:2023-11-14 13:41